May 9, 2024
Monday May 13th – Senior Finals A Day
Tuesday May 14th – All HS Sports Awards, Senior Finals B Day
Friday May 17th – Grad. Practice – 10:00 AM (Mandatory)
Sunday May 19th – Graduation – 2:00
Monday May 20th – Finals A Day
Tuesday May 21st – Finals B Day
Wednesday May 22nd – C Day for HS Students Last Day
Thursday May 23 – Teacher Inst.
Week Activities: Thurs: Girls Track Sectional at ElPaso -Gridley, Bus Time is at 1:45. Dismiss at 1:30. Field Events start at 3:30 and track is a 5:30, Sat: Senior Trip Bus Time 7:00PM
Boys sectionals will be next Wednesday May 15th at Seneca. Bus time is 1:45 pm. Field events start at 3:30 pm and track events 5:15 pm.
Seniors will have their sunrise breakfast this Friday at 6AM. This is a senior only event.
Applications to attend State FFA Convention in June are due Friday, May 10th at 3:30pm to Ms. Baker. Applications are in the ag room or on the FFA Google Classroom.
FFA members- the Cullom Fair Food Stand sign up is posted in the ag room. Fair is August 7-10. Please sign up for a shift, especially if you received an alumni scholarship, are planning on applying for one as a senior, or if you have traveled with FFA or received any money this year. We will contact you over the summer to confirm your shift, but we must fill the list before school is out.
Girls interested in trying out for cheer next year need to see Mrs. Ainlay as soon as possible. Cheer tryouts are set for Monday May 13th from 3:15 to 5 pm and Thursday May 16th from 3:15 to 5 pm.
All sports awards banquet is Tuesday May 14th at 6 pm in the gym.
Any girls interested in Ford County Queen Pageant there is an informational meeting this Saturday May 11th. More information in the office.
Freshmen to juniors interested in playing volleyball next year will have a meeting during AP in the commons on Friday.
Attention Stage Crew from Gatsby: Please see Dr. Novy to pick up your community service hours. Thank you for all your hard work!
Attention Seniors: If you have created your Parchment account with your school email, you will need to change to your personal email before you graduate. Your school email will be inactivated when you graduate. (4/29 - 5/10)
Seniors: If you have chosen a school to attend in the fall and need final transcripts: Under "When do you want this sent?", choose "Hold for Grades" (4/29-5/10)
Dress Up days for the rest of the week:
Friday is Try walking a day in a teacher's shoes. Teachers dress like students and students dress like teachers.