
Tri-Point High School

October 29, 2024

Wednesday – October 30 – FANNIE MAY ORDERS ARE DUE

Saturday – November 2 – Cross Country Sectionals @ Lisle

November 4th – Monday – No School

November 5th – Tuesday – No School

 This Week Dress Up:

 Wednesday- wacky Wednesday 


Friday - Flannel Friday! 

A representative from Greenville University will be here on Wednesday during AP. Any students wanting to learn more can stop by to chat and take some materials. 

Seniors – please place your cap and gown orders online if you have not done so. The deadline is November 6th  Wednesday..

Attention Freshmen: Please complete the Career Fair Student Survey found in your Class of 2028 Google Classroom by November 1st. (10/25-10/30)

Fannie May Forms are due in the office tomorrow.   Most of the candy will be delivered on Nov 20th.  Mint Meltaways could be in at this time but more than likely in December.

Trick or Treat at Mrs. V’s Room for the Cullom Food Pantry!

All students who bring boxed Mac n’Cheese or Hamburger Helper to be donated to the Cullom Food Pantry will get candy from Mrs. V. Please bring your donated items on Thursday, Halloween Day, during AP (or if you have class with Mrs V that day, just bring it in when you come to class.) The class (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) who brings the most items for the Food Pantry will get Dunkin Doughnuts on Wed Nov 6th. 

Let’s have a sweet time making a difference in our community! 

"FFA Leaf Raking will happen all day this Wednesday, October 30th. Be sure to wear clothes appropriate for raking leaves, and make sure to check your email and FFA Google Classroom to see if you will be raking during 2B or 4B. Also, please be sure to bring your equipment by Wednesday morning if you signed up to bring something!" 

LACC Students – On November 11th (Monday) LACC has no school.  You are to be here at TPHS by 9:30 for 2nd period.  We are running a 2:10 assembly schedule.