We hope you have enjoyed this beautiful summer. We've spent the last few weeks making plans for the 22-23SY, and August 17th is just around the corner.
Please note the following:
- Get registered if you have not already done so.
- Physicals and Sports:
- All incoming 9th graders and all student-athletes must have a physical from your doctor--
- school physicals count as sports physicals but sports physicals DO NOT count as 9th grade school physicals
- Fall sports practices can begin on Monday, August 8th--specific dates and times will be shared as we get closer but PHYSICALS are REQUIRED BEFORE PRACTICING
- Open House:
- Monday, August 15th, 3:30-6:00 with a 6:00 All-Sports Parent Meting
- meet coaches
- fill lockers
- pick up schedules and laptops
- Shopping for supplies:
- HS students can only carry FULLY CLEAR or FULLY MESH backpacks in the hallways between classes; regular opaque backpacks and bags will need to be stored in lockers;
- 1" binders are used regularly in HS, you might want to pick up a couple;
- get a calculator with some graphing function--a good old Texas Instrument TI-30 School Edition is a good choice
- Have your basics--pens, paper, notebook, folders, highlighters, Post-It Notes
- PE clothes and shoes
- Specific supply lists will be given to students by teachers
- Attendance and Appointments:
- take a look at the High School calendar for A-B rotation, early outs, late starts, and days off
- try to make appointments for those days to avoid absences
- attendance will continue to be so important to success